Links 04/03/2007
• Lido no BBC News: Sites like Prezvid have been set up to keep a keen eye on what’s going on, and commentators are already claiming that the activities of YouTube activists, blogging pundits and citizen journalists will be as […]
Innovation | Design Thinking | UX
• Lido no BBC News: Sites like Prezvid have been set up to keep a keen eye on what’s going on, and commentators are already claiming that the activities of YouTube activists, blogging pundits and citizen journalists will be as […]
• A Technology Review apresenta uma tecnologia, que está aí para substituir o rato. Em Usabilidade já se efectuavam estrudos de eyetracking, ou seja, para tentar perceber os movimentos dos olhos dum utilizador num monitor. o software chama-se EyePoint mas […]